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Wednesday, 30 June 2021

The 3rd Sector; charities, giving and their statistics & aims - Part 1


This will start a special two or three part look at charities, and the absolute racket / unnecessity that they have become.

I for one, have not to my knowledge, EVER used a charity, unless you talk about charity shops and the James Bond DVDs I bought last year along with a variety of long sleeve shirts, that were in perfect condition and have enabled me to survive the Glasgow winter.

First of all, please look at this link, which is yet another example of "bloat" amongst economic statistics that many non-profits, as well as economic sectors, have always used, ie, "Our Agricultural sector accounts for £24 billion a year to the UK economy . . . "

They all talk shite, but these stats are simply ridiculous.  For one, I looked at the statement that "there are 44,000,000 "regular" contributors to Charities, at a rate of 16 quid a month?"  What bullshit!  Are you actually telling me that nearly 70% of the people in this country contribute regularly to charity?  You're talking nonsense!  I DO indeed contribute to "charity", but even I would not consider myself a "regular" contributor.

In addition, a simple calculator used shows that this (£16 / month X 12 months X 44 million) only amounts to about £8,500,000,000?  At the same time, the said link states that the overall budgets of charities in the UK is £39,000,000,000?  Could someone please tell me where the other £31,000,000,000 comes from, if it's not from regular contributors?  

Corporations?  Hugh one off payments?  etc?  I would really like to enquire at just where does this money, a very sizeable amount, come from?

Finally, the said link, also stresses that the contribution of the sector, is greater than that of the Agricultural and Arts sectors?  Hence, I've looked up just what these two sectors say about this, and have discovered that they (Arts) claim, via this link, to add £33,800,000,000 to the economy, that seems pretty close in my mind, whilst for Agriculture, it's about £27,300,000,000 - though weeding through each of these is quite tedious, in order to have a like-for-like comparison.

In the next few days, will continue along these lines, by looking at individual sectors a little bit more in detail.


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