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Saturday, 31 December 2022
End of the Year Awards - Interview - Morrissey - Diversity is Conformity
End of the Year Awards - Philosophy / Speech - Neil Oliver - 29th October - GB News - They locked us down & spent billions - Don't forget!
Tuesday, 27 December 2022
Gary Neville - And the problem of Footballers not paying PAYE in the UK
So you'd think that with this track record, the MSM would avoid him like the plague, but alas no, he's one of them, so they are happy to be in bed together; both during the regular football season, and at the recently completed World Cup.
There, he quite simply embarrassed him, having an on air rant, which I thought violated television ethics and codes, about just how bad the UK was under the current Conservative government - even comparing it to how people are treated in Qatar! Simple ridiculous.
Now, it's been found out, that this piece of shit only pays basic, minimum wages at his hotels. That's right, the same hotels that charge in the 1,000s for bottles of wine.
Hey, it's his hotel, but once again it's the hypocrisy and arrogance of the millionaire liberal / fascist that makes us "paupers" so furious.
But what is even more outrageous, is that his long held beliefs, have never really been financed by him and his champagne socialist chums - in particular, his fellow footballers.
If, and I do mean IF, a football player was a normal, PAYE taxee, a good article to read is here:
They basically say, that a Harry Kane type of player who earns about 20 million a year, will give HMRC 10 million of it! A heap of money!
This doesn't happen, as it treats him as a man with one, playing contract.
What actually occurs, is for a player of his standing is to have 2 contracts, explained here:
1) Playing contract
2) Image Rights contract
Friday, 23 December 2022
This month's - "Why I hate the BBC" - Part infinity . . .
This is simply an outrageous article, about last nights' incident in Brixton, at a rap (or whatever it's called) concert.
And Joseph Lee the author, should be ashamed of himself / herself. But you and I both know, they won't be.
It's also a perfect example, of the inherent, "soft" bias that the leftists / fascists or BBC have, that must be said, is very effective in influencing the great, ignorant, un-washed that we have in the world. The type, who after scanning this article in a few seconds, would immediately surmise that, them evil police officers started this by sicking their dogs on a group of black people!
I've been to a good many concerts in my life, and have NEVER heard / seen / listened to this type of announcement before. But then again, myself and my mates who did go to the concerts, are not the type to cause "trouble".
There is more about this, from the scum at the Independent.
And you want to know why so many people detest the MSM.
Friday, 16 December 2022
Psychotic Leftist "Journalist" of the Month - The Guardian's Gaby Hinsliff - She's a Lunatic and a Cliche'
Her latest piece of writing, is in some way, her piece de resistance, attempting to summarise 2022, and naturally becomes an embarrassing synopsis that merely attacks her pet hates in the world of politics - Most of which / who are American?
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
Season's Greetings! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Liz Truss - My take on her "Budget" & the Government - Media Complex - Part 2
Interesting that. No retaliation against the Euro, and the left-wing governments involved; Germany - with the SPD and French - with Macron.
Isn't that interesting? Out of the 4 main western democracies, ONLY the UK has a non-leftist government. And lo and behold, it was ONLY the UK, where there was a concerted attack against their currency. I will look at just WHO did this attack in Part 3, but that's another story.
What Truss should have done, is exactly what Boris had done in the past.
1) Held her ground, as the pound not only would've rose (it has), but it would have given her time to show that it was only a temporary thing.
2) Taken the Whip away from the bullies in her own government. Basically, this makes them non-entities in the sphere of things, and they would've been welcome to resign if they really wanted to.
3) Hinted that there would be an investigation into just WHY the pound was falling - aimed solely at the monopolistic investing groups, who were responsible for this.
I know it may have been difficult, but certainly far less destructive and humiliating than what actually transpired.
Wednesday, 12 October 2022
Liz Truss - My take on her "Budget" & the Government - Media Complex - Part 1
So they were complaining from the very start; right after they buried our wonderful Queen; the scum in the MSM were after Liz Truss, our new Prime Minister in the UK, from the off.
And naturally the unwashed sheep, ignorant as hell, agreed to every single bit of it.
Even AFTER, Sir Kier (Sir Kier Starmer, Leader of the opposition Labour Party in the UK) and his third-rate lot, did not say a SINGLE word as to just what they would exactly do, if they were in power, as regards the economy, tax rates, budgets, etc.
It's not so much that they did not say a single word about their future plans; it's that they were simply never asked (!), about this from the POS(s) in the MSM.
And in particular, how they would view an independent Bank of England, if, or should I say WHEN, the bank would raise & raise interest rates in the future.
But speaking about Labour. . .
The above is the Labour economic spokesperson, or in UK speak, the Shadow Chancellor. Her name is Rachel Reeves, and lo and behold, she went to a private school in London, then did a poxy Poly-Sci degree at Oxford, and actually has the gall to represent a northern constituency in Leeds! You can not make it up. She's also a clown.
In the interviews, or lack of, she showed an utterly third-rate opinion in grasping basic economic principles as to interest rates, inflation, the American response to inflation, etc, etc. OTOH, she was not really asked about any of this, and merely used the "interviews" to bash both Truss and her counterpart in the Conservative party, Kwasi Kwarteng.
Her, along with her party, simply refuse to debate tax policy and merely let the MSM do their dirty work, but so far, I have not heard a SINGLE word as to just what a Labour government would do.
And more specifically, just how tax cuts, especially the top rate being cut from 45% to 40% on earners of £150,000+, of £2 billion would actually wreak havoc on the UK economy?
Not one question, and not one comment on our very low Unemployment Rate, or our standing compared to other countries, specifically the G7, who ALL happen to be having problems of their own - particularly Germany.
Not one!
Then the MSM went on and on, again, about that fact the the Bank of England was going to have to use £65 billion to prop up Pension funds, by buying Gilts (UK Government Debt), when in reality, they lied and lied about this.
It was NO WHERE near £65 billion; for as of last week, it was only 3.7 billion spent and at one time, for one day it was only £22 million!
Again, the dirty lying MSM, have never mentioned this! And if you were to ask a typical, ignorant, unwashed fool in the street, they probably wouldn't even know what you were talking about.
What should be happening? And what should have happened, will be in part 2.
Monday, 3 October 2022
This month of October; various nonsense, it's so boring now, so we start with Trevor Noah - untalented, ignorant, bigot
Thursday, 29 September 2022
Glasgow Socialist *hole, now having to sell off their Buildings - What a dump!
That's one helluva lot of money!
Fancy that, a group of hard-core socialists, had been found to be discriminating against females . . . for years!
Yea, that's right, the Left are your friends.
Who in their right mind still believes this? Particularly in this day and woke age; when the head of the Labour party, Sir Kier Starmer (Ed; What a name! And his middle-name is Rodney!), can't even define a women!
But coming back to the half a billion quid, it was said at that time, that Glasgow in 2019 would either delay the decision, or in the future, would need to start to sell its limited amount of assets - predominantly, land and buildings.
Let's face it, in reality, that's really the only things that a local government own.
And now, just today, has come to fruition.
Now it seems, that several simply wonderful city buildings, built and paid for by the once, hard-working citizens, will have to be sold, and then leased back. The two above could possibly be that way. They are both magnificent!
Yet another sign, of the sheer, and utter incompetence of leftists, be they here in Scotland, Chicago, Philadelphia, or wherever they might be infested in.
Monday, 26 September 2022
Working class town, forced to do a woke experiment - Liverpool, England - It ends in Disaster!
But on the other hand, the globalist, green, woke psychotics, will simply never give up!
Strange, that this over here in doomy Britannia, did not make any of the MSM's bulletins? Did it?
Oh, but they'll say that it was ONLY Liverpool and that they had better things to report? Really?
The radical fascist left, have been going on about the overuse of cars, and the fact that we are all in this together, and will willingly submit ourselves to shelving the cars, and picking up bikes, skateboards, or walking, the great distance into towns, in order to shop, go to work, etc.
How wrong they were and are!
I'm back after a month of travels in Europe and will blog more on various awfulness that I see, but always in a hopeful way!
C u tomorrow.
Wednesday, 7 September 2022
Yes, we're an environmentalist, who also eats healthy; but please don't preach to me!
Honestly, if you want a laugh, please go into the Oxfam website (or any other alt-left / woke website) and see for yourself, the utter nonsense that they write and wish to be true for the world.
Friday, 2 September 2022
More wokeness - This time for Travel - Priority Pass / Education / Etc
These appear to be self-explanatory!
Honestly, I've already blogged on some of the "woke" online, educational companies, and provided researched links, that showed that ethnics, specifically blacks, simply do NOT value educating themselves, in comparison to other groups - fact!
But they simply can not, the companies, get over themselves, and repeatedly show these people in the photos that advertise their services; it's laughable.
But now, Priority Pass, that rip off of a airport lounge access service, are also guilty of this.
The above is like a "double whammy" as they also show a black jogger!
Please go here, to see that this is rare, compared to other groups. And you go even go here, to see that even that left-wing rag, the Guardian in the UK, accept this as a fact!
The mind boggles, and one can only hope, that this continues to backfire on these woke, racist companies.
Wednesday, 31 August 2022
This month, back from Europe, it's a mess there as well. Also, Socialist Glasgow, Scotland, is still a dump!
Wednesday, 17 August 2022
In Europe right now, and it's crazier & crazier . . . please try Remix news online.
By the way, the AFD is still lead by Alice Weidel, apparently a right-wing bigot; but who is ALSO a lesbian, a fan of Margaret Thatcher, and is fluent in Mandarin! Sounds like an ignorant hick to me as well!