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Friday, 21 January 2022

It's not just that Biden is senile, and wanted to let the Ruskies invade, there's something much bigger than his low number of Pressers, . . .

Yes, the Clown-in-Chief, did say he'd let Putin invade.  And then later he had to say something different in order to clarify his remarks.  This is probably the reason why, his handlers simply have no desire whatsoever to ever let him loose on the general public; it'd be a disaster.

My Lord, the leader of the so-called "Free World"

But the biggest thing, is not just his lack of official Press Conferences, it's the fact that even here, the scum in the MSM have his back.  Please go here, to this slobbering article, that is riddled with lies, to see how even with the fewest number of pressers ever, they still love the guy and attack Trump. 

This occurs, even AFTER they state this:

By Kumar’s count, Biden had given just 22 interviews as president to members of the news media by the end of 2021, a fraction of the 92 Trump had done, or the 150 that Obama had done during the same period in their presidencies.

Equally, please look at this link, and see the simply unbelievable ways in which these ass-lickers define "meetings / interviews"  with the Press; they actually have the gall to call some of these, "Informal Sessions", whatever the living hell that that means!  And I quote:

Over his first year in office, Biden engaged in nearly double the number of informal question-and-answer sessions than his immediate predecessor, former President Donald Trump, (216 to 120), and nearly five times as many as former President Barack Obama (46), whom Biden served alongside as vice president.

That's right, if a twat from CNN fires him a question from afar, or in a room at a factory Biden happens to be visiting, these boot-lickers unbelievably consider this some form of press interaction!

The mind boggles.  Compare this to how Putin, can take 4 hours of questions, on the trot, at his annual Christmas bash, amazing.

Pravda were better!


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