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Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Gary Neville - And the problem of Footballers not paying PAYE in the UK

Neville is just such a POS, who if like other present day footballers, is no doubt paying himself via bonuses or dividends; definitely NOT with PAYE, though this is merely a hunch.

In addition, when he tried his hand at managing in Spain, I seem to remember that he said one or two borderline racist things about the Spanish as a whole; but of course he got a pass on that as well. This was such a far cry from his brother, who at least became quite fluent with the Spanish language.

So you'd think that with this track record, the MSM would avoid him like the plague, but alas no, he's one of them, so they are happy to be in bed together; both during the regular football season, and at the recently completed World Cup.

There, he quite simply embarrassed him, having an on air rant, which I thought violated television ethics and codes, about just how bad the UK was under the current Conservative government - even comparing it to how people are treated in Qatar! Simple ridiculous.

He is just such a hypocrite, that even the normally unbiased websites are calling him out about his Qatar contract straight from the Qatari government, that they've had enough of him as well.

Paupers we Are

Now, it's been found out, that this piece of shit only pays basic, minimum wages at his hotels.  That's right, the same hotels that charge in the 1,000s for bottles of wine.

Hey, it's his hotel, but once again it's the hypocrisy and arrogance of the millionaire liberal / fascist that makes us "paupers" so furious.

But what is even more outrageous, is that his long held beliefs, have never really been financed by him and his champagne socialist chums - in particular, his fellow footballers.

If, and I do mean IF, a football player was a normal, PAYE taxee, a good article to read is here:

They basically say, that a Harry Kane type of player who earns about 20 million a year, will give HMRC 10 million of it!  A heap of money!

This doesn't happen, as it treats him as a man with one, playing contract.  

What actually occurs, is for a player of his standing is to have 2 contracts, explained here:

1) Playing contract
2) Image Rights contract

And it is normally the second part, where the taxman is usually screwed over.  Hey, I'm a Libertarian, the less tax the better, but hello, we should all be treated the same!  And you and I both know, that if I were to ask my HR department to re-employ as a Contractor; I'd be told where to go and where to stick that idea.

So when in 2019, Frenchman N'Golo Kante, decided that he was all for paying; we could finally see just how much these millionaires screw our beloved country out of tax each year.  The figures are astounding!

It looks like he paid about 10 million quid each year to the tax authorities!  

Please also remember, that in the EPL (English Premier League), the average salary is about 3 million pounds a year, and with 20 teams and with about 30 players therein - this resulted in a wage bill of about £1.62 billion in 2019,

From this, you can now see just how much extra tax the UK could receive if there ever was a fairer tax system in this country.

But please don't expect Neville to start talking about how this anytime soon.



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